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Here’s Every Detail You Need to Include in Your Airbnb Listing

Property Management AZ

When potential guests read your Scottsdale, AZ Airbnb listing, they do so to see if it will meet their personal, family, business and/or vacation needs. Your listing is the only front-facing marketing piece that you have to convert someone who’s just browsing into a paid guest. Make sure that you take advantage of every opportunity to express all that your Airbnb offers by including plenty of information. Here are the details that should be included in your Airbnb listing.

What Floor It’s On

Many travelers have special needs and can’t manage stairs. They’ll be looking to see what floor your Airbnb unit is on, so make sure you tell them. If it’s on a second floor, mention how many stairs there are, or if there is elevator access.

Proximity to Food Stores

Your guests will need to access food right away. Let them know with a map screenshot or detailed information how close the nearest food stores are. Also include the name of the stores and distinguish between small corner markets and full-product grocery stores.

Nearby Dining

Be sure to mention nearby dining establishments with a brief description of the style and type of cuisine. For instance, you could say: “Within a 5-block radius there is a Mexican taco stand, an Argentinian fine dining establishment, a take-out pizza place and a fast-food American hamburger place.”

Disposable Amenities Supplied

No guest wants to arrive only to find there’s not so much as a square of toilet tissue or hand soap in the unit. Allow guests to prepare by listing exactly what you will provide. Specify that it’s “starter” supplies so you don’t have to refill paper products for long-stay guests. (Note that it’s good practice to include starter supplies of bathroom tissue, hand soap, paper towels and dish soap.)

Refund Policy

You can avoid sticky situations by plainly explaining your refund policy upfront. The Airbnb listing platform provides a special field for this, but go the extra mile and detail how any refund will be provided and on what terms.

The more detailed information you can provide in your Airbnb listing, the fewer disappointed guests you will have. Your Airbnb management company in Scottsdale, Arizona will help keep guests happy, too. For more information about Airbnb management, please contact us.