
Dispelling 3 Common Myths About Hosting on Airbnb


The Airbnb platform offers a lucrative way for residential property owners to earn extra income. Yet, thousands of property owners don’t leverage this opportunity. One of the reasons is the proliferation of untrue myths about hosting on Airbnb. Three of the most common myths include:

Myth#1: Hosting an Airbnb Brings on a Ton of Headaches

This is a myth often perpetuated by people who have no experience being landlords. They are simply amplifying what they’ve heard from yet more people who have no experience being landlords. The claim has no basis in reality.

While hosting an Airbnb is not exactly like being a landlord, it is similar in that you are inviting others to rent from you. However, the smartest—and most successful—landlords and Airbnb hosts don’t try to wear all the hats. They hire a property management company to manage and maintain their Scottsdale, AZ, and surrounding areas property so that the income derived from it is completely passive, with no aspirin required.

#2: Hosting an Airbnb Means You Can’t Leave Town

This is another myth concocted by people who have not actually hosted an Airbnb. The false premise behind this myth is that owners have to stay in town to clean up in between lettings, manage tenants’ questions and more.

No one is going to tell you that you have to remain in proximity of your Airbnb property. Only certain rare cities have laws about hosting local Airbnbs, and Scottsdale and Phoenix are certainly not among them.

If you want to host an Airbnb in and around Phoenix, you are free to do so, even if you want to take a vacation of your own now, then or all the time! The smart way to do this is to use an Airbnb property management company in Scottsdale, AZ who does all your work for you. So go ahead, pack your bags and enjoy your trip!

Myth #3: Airbnb Guests Will Trash the Place

This myth suggests that property owners will have their furniture destroyed and the lawn ripped to shreds by vacationers. Hmmm. Is that true?

No, of course not! When was the last time your family trashed a hotel when you vacationed? In addition, we screen guests to ensure you and your property are protected.

As you can see, the negative myths about being an Airbnb host simply are not true. If you have a property available to be rented in Scottsdale, AZ, make everything easy on yourself by hiring an Airbnb property management company like Sojourn Property Management in Scottsdale, AZ. Contact us today!